Who Trains, Wins!
We are your professional tactical firearms and active shooter training facility for all experience levels!
Critical Shotgun & SSS Shotgun
Shotguns are being sold as ideal home defense weapons. However, there is a serious misconception that you cannot miss with a shotgun. That is not true and this course will prove it. Understanding the ballistics and shot patterns are so crucial when implementing a shotgun for law enforcement or self-defensive purposes in your home or out in public. Being one of the most versatile weapon systems, shotguns have advantages and disadvantages. Proper implementation of the fundamentals of combative/tactical/defensive fundamentals is vital. Loading and mechanical manipulation are so important in order to shoot and manipulate this weapon properly.

Days: 1 Day
Duration: 7-8 hours
Hours: 10AM-6PM
Reg Price: $250
Member Price: $125-$175
Prerequisites: None
What you will Learn!
Safety Fundamentals
Use of Deadly Force
Defensive Shotgun Shooting Fundamentals
Shotgun Nomenclature
Loading & Unloading
Admin/Tactical/Speed Reloads
Action Manipulation
Zeroing your Shotgun
Sling Presentation
Stationary Turns or Pivots
Stoppages & Malfunctions
Shooting on the Move
Multiple Target Engagements
Stress Management While Shooting
6-8 Combative Stages of Fire
A certificate is given to students who finish the course

Equipment Requirements
Pump Action or Semi Auto Shotgun (12 Guage Highly Suggested)
Shotgun Sling
Belt Shot Shell Holder or Carrier
Eye Protection
Ball Cap or Beanie
Hearing Protection
250 Rounds of Birdshot Ammunition
10 Rounds of 00 Buck
5 Rifle Slugs